What tools does a midwife use?
knowledge of natural labor
trust in a woman's ability to birth
knowledge of labor positions to speed or slow contractions
hydrotherapy: shower and birthing pools
acupressure points to help strengthen contractions, relieve pain, and more!
herbs for baths, teas, essential oils, and compresses
warm compresses to help prevent perineal tears as the baby's head is born
doppler to monitor fetal heart tones
sterile scissors and bands for after the umbilical cord has stopped pulsing
nourishing soup broths and foods throughout; IV fluids to hydrate and replenish electrolytes for when a woman is not able to drink to stay hydrated
herbal and pharmaceutical medications for postpartum, in case a mother is bleeding too much
local anesthetic and sterile absorbable suture, in the case a mother has a little tear
an infant scale to weigh baby postpartum
Prenatal care for mother & Baby
Holistic health care and counseling
Prenatal appointments once a month from 4-28 weeks, every two weeks from 28-36, every week from 36 on.
Prenatal screening throughout pregnancy including lab work and ultrasounds as family chooses
Labor & birth
Two certified neonatal resuscitation providers present at birth
Midwifery wisdom, remedies, and resources available throughout
Immediate postpartum home care: close attendance through initial hours of newborn transition
Tidying and cleaning after the birth (homebirth is a surprisingly clean and tidy event)
Breastfeeding guidance
Newborn head-to-toe physical and neurological exam
Suturing with local anesthetic
Postpartum healing support for mother
Postpartum flower infusion for peri bottle and bath
Postpartum home visits with breastfeeding support, natural parenting tips, and baby check ups
Breastfeeding support
Immediate and ongoing assistance with latch and breastfeeding
Baby weights and help with milk supply